About Us

WhiteWomenBlackMenDating.com is the fastest growing site for black men and white women dating. We have a vast and increasing network of members in your local area and also globally. WWBMD was established in 2009 and has outgrown all expectations. Our aims are simple: To provide a safe environment for black men and white women to meet new people for friendship and / or dating. You can join up for free and easily create your profile in minutes enabling you to start dating immediately.

We have several matching facilities ranging from simple to the ultimate 'Super Match' facility, which finds the most suitable potential partners by cross checking several other matching methods. Communication is easy using our internal messaging, chat and email linked systems. Other handy facilities are "hotlists" of your favourite profiles, "blocked lists" to screen out unwanted attention, and plenty of dating tips and advice for newbies and 'dating veterans' alike. You have got one life...don't delay, go for what you want - sign up today!