Profile Photos Dont Do's

“ If your strategy is to lure her in with a photo that doesn’t really look like you, then win them over with your personality - forget it “
Look you may think you can overcome those little white lies about your physical appearance, but you can’t. I don’t care if you’re as funny as Robin Williams or as charming as James Bond. I don’t even care if so many sparks were flying on the phone you had to hang-up to avoid being electrocuted. If your picture doesn’t look at all like you, you’re guilty of false advertising.
Did you know that the number-one complaint women have about online dating is that when they meet the man they’ve emailed and then talked to on the phone, he looks nothing like his picture. So, just like we talked about what not to write in the description of yourself, let’s talk about what not to post online in terms of photos:
Do not post photos any more than two years younger than your current age.
Do not post photos any more than ten pounds thinner than your current weight.
Do not post photos with old girlfriends (or sisters or female cousins—the person looking at your photo will interpret the lady as a girlfriend, regardless).
Do not post photos of yourself surrounded by your gorgeous sorority sisters or other especially beautiful female friends.
Do not post pictures of yourself in your Halloween costume.
Do not post pictures of yourself holding a baby.
Do not post your own baby pictures (and while we’re at it, no preschool, bat mitzvah, confirmation, or junior high school graduation photos).
Do not post those mall-type glamour” shots.
Do not post pictures of yourself in stripped to the waist.
Do not post photos that show you at work.
Does it look like you?
Think about the outfit
What's behind you?
Smile like you mean it
Cut out the competition
Avoid 'paparazzi's shots
Chooses a recent shot
Steer clear of the ex
Beware of the 'crazy-freakish 'shot
Pictures taken at a three-minute photo booth in your local mall.
Pictures taken in your living room for the express purpose of putting them up on the web.
Pictures taken by a webcam on top of your computer.
Pictures taken at the DMV that you Xerox off your license.
Pictures taken of you in a suit and tie for your company website.
Pictures taken more than five years ago.
Pictures taken more than four years ago.
Pictures taken more than three years ago.
Pictures taken that show too much skin – shirtless men taken in the bathroom.
Pictures take from too close-up.
Pictures taken from too far away.
Pictures taken where you’re not smiling.
You know the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Well, in the case of a dating profile, a picture sends a thousand-word message that allows the person viewing it to make a judgment about us in a very short amount of time.
A photo that doesn’t look like you - or that looks significantly better than you do - is an invitation for disaster. Even if you are attractive but look completely different than your picture, the woman you meet will feel like he’s been duped. This will make her feel foolish and angry, and the date will never get off the ground.
They will never let herself be wowed by you because she’ll be too busy feeling screwed over by what has turned out to be a different man than the one she was expecting.
You’ve been warned.