Dating: How to make her feel special

White women dating black men are looking for more than just an adventure. They have decided to open up to a new race and often a new culture and they are most of the times serious about it. This is why it can be a great disappointment for a white girl to realize that she is no more special than any other white women for her date. You might know that you have chosen to go out with this specific woman because you feel you are a good match and she is unique, but that is not enough. If you want the first dates to lead somewhere more serious, you need to prove to your date that she really is something else. And as everyone is different, below you can find different ways to achieve that. One or more of them will probably suit your personality.
Cook her something she mentioned she likes.
On the first dates, make sure to ask her about her taste in food. Ask if she has a favorite dish, something that her mother used to cook for her when she was a kid or if she has a favorite cuisine. Then, after a few dates, propose to cook for her. Do not ask her what she wants you to cook. This way she will be pleasantly surprised when she sees that you remember her favorite tastes.
Ask her about her family. And take notes.
No matter how much you like someone, it is hard to remember all their family history after the first date. Ask her to tell you a story about each family member that is important to her. This will help you remember them the next time she mentions the name. And if your memory is weak, take notes after the date! Asking people about their family shows that you care enough to want to know their background, their heritage, where they come from. Plus, when you date white women, you will realize that most of them are close to their families and will appreciate a man who respects these bonds.
Tell her why you chose her as a date.
And make sure not to mention any body parts! There are hundreds of women out there with a great figure and beautiful eyes, so if you only mention such features, she will be worried that you will run away with the next model that you meet. Focus on aspects of her personality and on things you have in common. For example “I love your idealism” is a far better compliment than “You have a gorgeous body”. Not that there is anything wrong with complimenting her appearance. Just make sure you do not focus too much on it.
Tell her how she makes you want to be better.
If that is the case, of course! But most of the times, when we meet a new person, they inspire us to become our better self. She is not smoking and you are thinking to quit too? She followed a seminar and you are thinking to try it out yourself? She is an adventurous eater and now you want stop eating just pizza yourself? Whatever little things changed in your life for the better since you met her, will make her feel very special.
Introduce her to people that are important for you.
Of course, in the beginning of a relationship or if you have just been on a few dates, it is not a good idea to introduce her to your parents. If it doesn't work out more people will get hurt this way. But you can introduce her to your closest friends or cousins. This way she will understand that you are proud about her being your date and she will also have a chance to see a more social side of you.
White women that date black men do not look for something different than any other woman: they want to be loved, to feel respected and valued. By paying attention to your date's needs, tastes and preferences you make her feel special and you make her happy. This way she will trust you and open up to you. This can be a start to something much more meaningful than just flirting. And even if things between you two don't work out, she will only have nice things to say about you to her friends!